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Saturday, 16 June 2012

Who are we to judge?

Hi All

Well I have been reasonably busy writing for my book. The response hasn't been great to my request for inspirational stories but you know I've found that my own experiences have a heck of a lot people who have inspired me. However trying not to concentrate only on myself I have a few contributions which will hopefully add some weight to this endeavour.

Anyway I have been doing some research and on Youtube there are videos from people all over the world on any subject you could think of.  As you all know I believe in the law of attraction, well youtube has millions of videos from people, celebrities etc.

My blog today is written because you cannot believe how judgmental people, or some people especially those who consider themselves Christians are. The comments that these Christians leave are shameful, they hide behind fake names and literally stand in judgement of other peoples' beliefs. Why do they think this? and Why do they think it's ok to do this?

For the 1st time I am ashamed to consider myself a Christian, I am continually learning and keeping my mind open to anything new. If I'd closed my mind off to ideas that are in conflict with the lessons in the Bible, I would not have learned many of the lessons that have brought me to where I am now. That would be terrible.

I have grown so much from the events in my life. Let's face it if I had believed ONLY in what the Bible tells us, my life would be pretty boring, because although I receive some of the messages I need at church, I can pick up any of my "New Age" books and receive a message often times even more powerful.

Does this make me judgemental or just concerned that we are allowed to be?

In love and light