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Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Think it and change it!

"We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts, we make the world." ~Buddha.

I saw this quote and you know it's the 3rd time in as many days that I have seen something similar, said something similar and shared something similar. I'm guessing the Universe is trying to tell me something.
A couple of nights ago I re-read the first part of The Master Key System by Charles Haanel, this part basically tell you that your external world is a reflection of your inner world. Since my vision board is being used to focus our thoughts, my home environment is pretty good. A good start. In the mornings I work in a warehouse and usually suffer from some sort of verbal diarrhoea, anyway the chap I work with listens and I share what I am learning. So it was mentioned again today and then this evening I see the above quote.

After re-finding The Secret, I have spent a lot of time checking the facts, the Emerald Tablet, says "as above so below, as within so without." or something like that, and I am not in the mood to dig through my notes, but anyway this is how I remember it.

So today I ask that you consider your external world and see what is not right, what is not as you would want it to be and then do yourself a favour and change your thinking. Change the perspective from which you are viewing the discord. If it is something you can change, then do it in the most positive manner you can, if you can't change it then change your thinking about it, see it from another point of view, smother it in love and gratitude and move away from it. Rather move toward something else. Get mentally active to generate the external change you want.

In love and light

Tuesday, 13 November 2012

Faith in yourself. YES YES YES

It's lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believed in myself. -Muhammed Ali.

I saw tghis quote and thought about how amazing it must be to have such faith in yourself. even when everyone else is saying NO, the little voice in your head is say YES YES YES!!

People who have the YES YES YES voice go on to be legends, just like the man I quoted tonight, he believed in himself, he worked hard and he made a difference. As a champion he also embraced faith in his God. Allah, to muslims, God, to me and hundreds of other names to thousands of others.
It does not matter to whom we pray, it is having the confidence to say I believe in myself. For if we are created in the image of our creator then we must be blessed with all the power of creation.
Think it and you create it and in essence this is what someone with a YES YES YES voice does. They think about the best possible outcome all the time. They focis on what they want and it is created, they work, they notice the signs, they sieze opportunities and the universe really does conspire to bring about what is thought about.

Short but sweet tonight.
In love and light