Yes it's question, or at least it should be. We have been given the opportunity to choose. So every day we should wake up smile and say Good morning. I know this, you know this and yet how often do I wake and think "oh no!"?
On a different note I saw this quote on Twitter Zen Essentials
"We may idealize freedom, but when it comes to our habits, we are completely enslaved." ~ Sogyal Rinpoche. I got onto the bathroom scale yesterday, it has been a while and so I can tell you that this quote is absolutely true. So as much as I would like to make the resolution of losing weight, I know the real resolution should be to change my habits, when it comes to food, I have never (or very seldom ) shown any control.
So on the 3rd day of this marvellous new year I am resolving not to diet, but to break the habits that cause my weight to go up. But, perhaps more importantly, I am resolving to make each and every morning of 2013, not just a good morning but a Great Day!
I have a colleague at work, she has the most amazingly dry sense of humour which is based almost totally on sarcasm, I love it, a few don't get it but the best part of any day is seeing her and saying "how are you?" She ALWAYS and I ALWAYS comes out with something that makes me laugh, "Cosmic!" " Epic!" Listening to how she feels each day inevitably makes my day either Cosmic or Epic and there have been others but I am also going to stop answering "fine" when someone asks how I am. From today I am "Cosmic" "Epic" "Fantastic" "Awesome" and perhaps I will look up a few others in the dictionary, just to keep it "fresh".
In love and light, enjoy an absolutely Awesomely Epic day!!