Good Evening All
I know it's been a while since I wrote anything and it's because there has been nothing much to say. It just seems that whatever I write has been written by someone else so it's hard to find a new way of expressing something without looking like you knicked it off of someone else.
Anyway, this Sunday at church we discussed prayer and the reasons for prayer and what should we say and where should we say it. We had a verse to commit to memory. "If you believe you will receive, whatever you ask for in prayer." Matthew 21 v 22. So I have been thinking about that a bit and it's true. When you ask for something and you have a belief that you are going to get it then you will. God, the universe (whatever is more comfortable for you) says IF YOU BELIEVE, do you truely feel worthy of what it is you are asking for? YOU WILL RECEIVE, is this really what you want and if it is, is this the best time for you? WHATEVER, have you been specific in what you want, God doesn't want to decipher riddles, you will get WHATEVER you ask for because He wants you to be happy. YOU ASK FOR IN PRAYER, you don't have to go down on your knees and clasp your hands under your chin to be praying. Sitting in traffic, stressing about the traffic, swearing under your breath. Worry in the back of your mind about bills and jobs etc. This all amounts to prayer and because you concentrate on the negative so much that is what you are getting. You are getting WHATEVER you have asked for. So stop concentrating on the negative, start thinking about the positive, smile in the traffic, say bless you instead of f"£k off. Think about money coming in rather than going out. For those of you more New Age than Christian, this is the very simple philosophy of the law of attraction, for those Christians out there reading this, go and look in your Bible, this is just ONE example of God telling us that He will give us what we ask for, HE is a gracious loving Father who gives His children what they ask for. As always though I am going to ask you to remember to be grateful for what you have, and while it's nice to have more and better, it's also good to think of those less fortunate.
So tonight I am grateful that I have found something to share with you all and I ask that those in New Zealand still being affected by earthquakes are kept safe and that the incidents will reduce in number and stop. I am also grateful that my children have gone to bed with full tummy's while hundreds (if not thousands) of children in East Africa have gone to bed hungry and thirsty, and I am going to ask that they be kept safe and pray that aid will reach them before anymore children die of starvation.
In love and light (anf prayer)
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