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Thursday, 18 August 2011

Day 18 Month 8 - When is a home not a home


Well, it's been such a long time since I wrote anything down here, but it's not because there has been nothing so to say. Oh no! I have been blessed with the opportunity of returning home to South Africa for our UK summer holidays. My mother who is not well paid for us to come and visit, and although I was born and bred South African I can honestly say with a certain amount of disappointment mind you that I am no longer African.
It has only been 4 short and fast years since we left but this is no longer my home. It has been great to see the family and our friends but the country to which I was born has gone. The cost of living has risen to the standard of the UK and so I will no longer be complaining about our cost of living in the UK. There are vendors on every street corner, vying for the attention of cars passing by, with a beggar. There is rubbish dumped on the streets and even more "security villages" and burglar proofing on the doors and windows. Squatter camps litter the view with hundreds of thousands of people still living in shacks, so who's living in all the low cost housing that was being built when we left?
Retired Archbishop Desmond Tutu is calling for a "once off tax on whites" have you ever heard of such racism?
The differentiation between the haves and have nots is clearly defined and although there are many more blacks who are very well off, affirmative action has robbed many affluent whites of this status.
So it is with regret and longing that I wish to go home.
Home where my children are safe from harm, home where we are sheltered from the poverty of the rest of the world and yes for the first time I must admit that ignorance is bliss, not that I would deny my children their African heritage it is just that they have so many more opportunities to excel where we live now, where they will never be discriminated against because of the colour of their skin.
Yes apartheid was evil, and yes I benefited from it, but it does not excuse the current situation in what was once my home.

In love and light.

1 comment:

Alf said...

Wonderfully written Tracey, my heart bleeds for my beloved country.