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Sunday, 28 October 2012

Working The Secret

I have re-found the Secret and within a week I have seen how The Secret works. I made a vision board that is more a reminder of what The Secret can bring. “Money comes easily and frequently”, “I love going on fantastic holidays”, “everything I touch turns to gold” these are a few of the things on my vision board and I have surrounded each phrase with a photo of my children, husband and I all smiling and all happy, the key to these photos is that every one of them makes me feel happy because they represent a moment in time when I was happy and being able to recall that feeling of happiness daily, changes your mind set, so immediately I am having a great day.

I have been very negative lately, feeling very sorry for myself and being ungrateful and miserable. On Monday I collected Shiny early from school and did not feel like doing housework or laundry. So I sat on the computer, playing scrabble etc. So waiting for someone to make their move, I go into Youtube and I am randomly searching and I see The Secret full movie, now I’d never watched the movie, I read the book and listened to the CD, watching it re-awakened the spark. Hence the vision board. I asked Rob and the kids to read the vision board everyday. I think then everyday we are starting the day on the same page. On Wednesday I bought the local paper and looking through the property section the kids and I found a house that we feel is our dream home. So I cut it out and put it on the vision board.
My Shiny was a little sceptical until Friday morning when Rob logs into our South African bank accounts and I have received over R20,000 from a pension claim I put in almost 2 years ago and had completely forgotten about! Unexpected income!! “Money comes easily and frequently”.  Shiny was sitting on the bed and I shouted “Look, Cooks it really works! Money comes easily and frequently!”.
A couple of weeks ago Rob and I had a huge fight over a table I wanted for the kids to do their homework on. Yesterday I collected an almost brand new table exactly as I’d imagined that one I wanted. Free!
In one week I have received a table and unexpected income of around £1200 (depending on the exchange rate). If I were sceptical before, it is gone, after one week I am a believer, our home environment is better and everyone is excited that we are going to have a great Christmas because there is unexpected money, Father Christmas will be delivering amazing presents this year and hay if Father Christmas is the provider of my children’s dreams, and they are more able to believe in their dreams coming true then that’s all I want for them.

In love and light


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The vision board is a great tool but always remember it is just a tool to focus your thoughts. do not become reliant on it, instead rely on your own ability to create the things you need. The Universe always gives us what we need. hardly ever what we want.