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Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Daily affirmations - why we need them

It's repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. & once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen. -Muhammad Ali
Hello, those who know me, know that I am a firm believer in being able to manifest your desires. Those of you who know me better that I am great at starting things but really  shit at actually completing them and that is why I am the first to tell you that I am not a failure at anything, I am a quitter. I am so afraid of failing that I will deliberately not finish anything, and then I see this quote and I love quote Muhammad Ali, all his quotes for me are about putting in the effort.
I am great at affirmations, occasionally, when I need them, and therein lies the problem. Belief comes from the repetition of affirmations on days when you don't need them as well as days when you do.
I am not sure if I mentioned my vision board. Anyway I made a mission board last year, my most common mantra is "happy, healthy, wealthy, loved" On my vision board where things like
"I enjoy living in my own home."
"I love going on fabulous holidays"
"I am happy healthy wealthy loved." Everyday these phrases hung on my door and scattered around each phrase was a picture, not of the holiday, not of a dream home, but pictures of my loved ones. A photo at my wedding that had my mom and dad in it, pictures that Lolly sent me of her with Jaime, Jordy and Nash. Pictures of my darling children in smiling happy poses and with very limited financial resources, barely a year later, we have bought a four bedroom duplex flat in a really nice village, and we are heading out in less than 2 months to Disney World Florida for 2 whole weeks. I am happy, I am healthy, I am loved and YES with limited financial resources I am wealthy.
I am wealthy because wealth doesn't come with the things money can buy, true wealth comes from the things that money can't buy.
Like having home where we are safe and warm (whether we own it or not)
Like true friends who are there for you no matter what, people you don't have to talk to for ages and ages and then start a conversation exactly where you left off months or even years ago.
Like love, the love of a good man, not just a husband and provider, but my best friend and the best father any kids could wish for. The love of my children, two gorgeous, intelligent and talented children.
Like family, we will never know where we would end up without the people who have helped define us over the years. Mother, Father, Sister, Brothers, each one of them adding value and helping to create who we are.
So do affirmations really work, I am still going to say yes, yes yes! And if nothing else when you wake up feeling lousy, look in the mirror and smile, because at least you have your eyes to see, your ears to hear and your arms to wrap around those you love, and just in case anyone reading this doesn't have those things, at least you have another day to fight on.
So I ask myself how much of a quitter can I really be when like the rest of you I get up, get dressed and face another day, and another day and another?

Perhaps it just boils down to living my life, day to day, doing the very best I can for the people I love and maybe I will finally quit wondering what's wrong with me and I will quit worrying about the things I can't control.
In love and light

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