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Monday, 20 July 2009


Alfred A. Montapert once said "expect problems and eat them for breakfast", I saw this quote and because I have no clue of the context of the quote I was a little intrigued, but hey I am a bright girl and I have read most of the feel good, do good, dictionaries of success so I decided to take a bash at explaining it within my own life.

Quite frankly things do go wrong and no matter how prepared you think you are to deal with all issues in a positive way there are just some things you do not expect and I for one tend to take things very personally. On an emotional maturity scale I am going to give myself a four, although I am better now at letting things go, things that are ancient do pop up and ruin my day (every now and then).

So, one of the things I really enjoy doing is eating so when you using a metaphor that relates to something that means a lot to me I tend to take more notice.

Let me break this down some more (for my benefit mainly) "expect problems" we can never truly be prepared for everything so it's good advice if you are expecting some thing or other it can't creep up on you and scare the daylights out of you, to me this means DON'T BE A VICTIM, I am very big on people getting over themselves and NOT being a victim. Then "eat them for breakfast" because that is how they should be perceived, they are NOTHING in the bigger scheme of things, breakfast is the most essential meal of the day, so gobble up the problems and let them go. The piece of toast you had on your plate for breakfast is gone, it no longer has a purpose, the purpose was to ease your hunger once eaten it's gone, it's history.

This metaphor is appealing to me more and more...

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