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Saturday, 14 May 2011

Day14 Month5 - Feeling Good

I was feeling a little down last night because I have to work this weekend and while waiting for my show to come on (Criminal Minds) I was channel surfing and came across Dirty Dancing, I'd missed the beginning and picked up where Johnny starts teaching Baby to dance for the show at the other hotel. I ended up missing Crimal Minds and watching to the end. I think I had a silly smile on my face because I remember watching Dirty Dancing for the 1st time at the Top Star Drive in and I am not exactly certain but I was either 17 or 18 so we are talking 1987/88. I can honsestly say that re-watching this one movie has highlighted how important movies, music and tv have become in making us as a species. In times of economic down-turn, the entertainment industry is very seldom hit but a recession, this was true during the great depression when unemplyed people would fill cinemas and watch movies, so what's the attraction?
I can say it's about escape-ism! I love watching movies that are far out. Give me Aliens, give me Zombies, give me Vampires, give me chick-flicks it's about forgetting your own problems and feeling great about something, anything. May the movie business go from strength to strength and may I never tire of watching the classics like Dirty Dancing.
Thank-you Patrick Swayze! Rest in peace knowing you brought joy to millions, and I am pleased to be one of them.
In love and light.

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Month 5 Day 5 - The day it all began

Well it's 9 years today since we lost our Jonathan, I have shed a few tears and I have mentioned it to the kids and Robs has had a very busy day, so we haven't really had time to wallow in the tragedy of it all. It's on days like this that you begin to understand what being grateful is all about. I often say that I am grateful and then still feel like something is missing or am unable to feel content with my life. Is this because our first born is not here in the flesh with us? I don't think so, if I'm totally honest. I have 2 of the most beautiful children here with me and there is nothing better that going to wake them up and getting a big smile and a hug. It's only a few hours between bedtime and wake up time but when my son sees me he smiles the most joy- giving smile in the world and today was no different.
This morning after breakfast both my babies took their designated places on my lap and although it would have been VERY nice to have to squash in another one, I believe I felt truely grateful for the very FIRST time. Why? I am loved, and yes often I feel like I am maybe a little too tough and the words coming out my mouth are loud and blunt, but the kids don't hold it against me, they are able to smile and hug me like they haven't seen me for years. All I can say today is that although it would have been better to have all three alive and well and smiling up at me through sleepy eyes, I am grateful the two I've got are full of love and realise how much I really do love them and am grateful for them being here with me on this plane.
To my spirit child, I love you and will see you when it's my time, I know that for you the time is like a snap of my fingers, but as I've said unfortunately I have to wait the rest of my life.
In love and light (and grateful peace).