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Saturday, 14 May 2011

Day14 Month5 - Feeling Good

I was feeling a little down last night because I have to work this weekend and while waiting for my show to come on (Criminal Minds) I was channel surfing and came across Dirty Dancing, I'd missed the beginning and picked up where Johnny starts teaching Baby to dance for the show at the other hotel. I ended up missing Crimal Minds and watching to the end. I think I had a silly smile on my face because I remember watching Dirty Dancing for the 1st time at the Top Star Drive in and I am not exactly certain but I was either 17 or 18 so we are talking 1987/88. I can honsestly say that re-watching this one movie has highlighted how important movies, music and tv have become in making us as a species. In times of economic down-turn, the entertainment industry is very seldom hit but a recession, this was true during the great depression when unemplyed people would fill cinemas and watch movies, so what's the attraction?
I can say it's about escape-ism! I love watching movies that are far out. Give me Aliens, give me Zombies, give me Vampires, give me chick-flicks it's about forgetting your own problems and feeling great about something, anything. May the movie business go from strength to strength and may I never tire of watching the classics like Dirty Dancing.
Thank-you Patrick Swayze! Rest in peace knowing you brought joy to millions, and I am pleased to be one of them.
In love and light.

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