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Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Changing old habits

Listening to Anthony Robbins I have begun to realise that there are so many negative patterns in my life. These patterns are continuous and repetitive and they hold me back. I need to harness the power of being able to change, I have recently been on a diet and very often feel deprived. I know that all I have to do is harness the power of being able to change. The feeling of deprivation is only a negative pattern recurring.

I have the power to change.  I have the knowledge to change because I am not stupid and have read and understood the principles of healthy living.  

Being overweight has (to a certain extent) protected me, from being emotionally hurt, and yet it is also the weight that has been the cause of many an emotional hurt.

I am making a decision to change my mind set, I need to develop new neural pathways that eliminate the old negative patterns or bad habits that I have created. It’s really easy to blame other people but no-one has ever had to force a piece of chocolate or fatty food into my mouth.  I must admit that over the last few days I have chosen to revert to my old habits. However, I am still unsatisfied in the longer term, the immediate gratification of the chocolate bar is great but it is becoming obvious that there is no food which will satisfy my hunger.

Now all I have to do is find out what it is I really want.  Tony says that you have to make a decision that is solid.  So if nothing else I am making the decision today to do everything I have to, to get to my perfect weight. I also need to specify exactly what my perfect weight is to be. I also have to be flexible about how I am going to reach my goal. So I am taking control of my life rather that my life taking control of me.

In love and light.

1 comment:

Alf said...

You go girl, we are all rooting for you!!