Well Day 2 of the year 2011 has come and almost gone. I have been asked by my sister to write some self help articles for her church newsletter. It is new age, and I hope you will enjoy.
The law of attraction is something we have all heard of but very few of us can believe that we have the power to manifest our deepest desires.
There are several reasons for this.
1. We do not believe that we are created in the image of our creator.
2. We do not believe in the law of attraction and therefore everything is preordained or destined.
3. We do not believe that we are worthy of all the good things we would like.
Let me start by discussing number 1. I believe that we have been created in the image of our creator, and our creator whoever or whatever you may believe has brought us into being by a single thought. A natural conclusion must then be that we have the power of the creator within us and we can therefore "create" using our thoughts.
2. I DO NOT believe that our path in this life is predestined, some people do, however I feel it must be stressed that our current life path is the result of our choices, whether conscious or unconscious we are where we are right now because of a series of choices we have made. These choices have relyed on thoughts.
3. We are all raised and nurtured by our parents and by extention our environment, along with hopefully lots of positive reinforcement, there are always also the negative reinforcements the things we are told, money doesn't grow on trees, the rich get richer etc. These negative reinforcements teach us that we are unworthy of having all the things we want. We believe and our thoughts have been programmed to believe that we have to work hard, struggle to make ends meet and essentially forgo all the things we really want because, we either can't afford them or we are not worthy of possessing these things.
If any of this sounds familiar to you it should, these are not new arguments but the key to believing in the power of our thoughts comes with focus. We need to concentrate on the things we want. Focus on the things we have and be grateful for them and re-programme our thought patterns so that we believe that we ARE worthy of all the things we want.
This focus needs to extend to all areas of your life, you need to focus on the things you say (especially in front of your children) keep things positive, you need to focus on maintaining a good attitude, because let's face it, the idiot who cut you off on the highway this morning doesn't know or care that he's ruined your day so don't let him. Keep the focus on exactly what it is you want. Write a list and read it in the morning when you brush your teeth, keep a copy under your pillow and read it just before you go to bed. Be specific, e.g. I want my own home. NO TO VAGUE, I want to own my own home on an acre of perfectly manicured lawn with a kidney shaped pool. The braai area must be made of black slate and convert into a spit. The home itself is to be beautifully presented over 2 floors with 5 bedrooms, 3 on-suite bathrooms. the lower level must have a kitchen with an 8 gas ring burner, all the appliances should be custom fitted. See the difference? Which is easier to picture? Which home would you rather have?
FOCUS on the things you want, give no attention at all to the things you don't want, yes the bills come, the traffic's horrific, but don't wallow in the misery of them, don't give them the focus they crave, acknowledge them yes, because it is those things that keep us motivated to be rid of them, sit in traffic with a smile on your face, it does not matter if it's a real smile or if you look absolutely daft, one day that smile will be real and you won't be sitting in traffic you'll be cruising along the coast in your cherry red BMW convertable on your way to your holiday home in Plett.
I believe it, can you?
In love and light
Tracey Brown
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