All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Those of you who know me will know 3 things.
1. I believe in Angels
2. I am amazed that Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote (quite a while ago) beliefs that are not confined to mainstream religion and yet touch many of the beliefs that I have.
3. You know my beliefs on the Creator.
So with those three things in mind let me tell you what this quote means to means that if we can see and appreciate the world around us, then imagine what is laying beneath this magnificent surface.
A lot of new age writing touches on the unseen, imagining or visualising your life as you want it to be. I have tried to quite my mind enough to visualise my perfect life into reality, you all know how that turned out. But this evenings quote is actually saying to me, WOW just look at what we DO have around us right now, rain bringing life back into dehydrated trees, grass and flowers. Family who love us, and whom we love. Friends, who care and help because they want to without any repayment. The ability to help those friends because we can and because we want to without any repayment. A roof over our heads, jobs to go to. Things to see, places to go. So let us just reflect a moment on what the Creator (yourself) has brought into your life and vow today to change the negative, and be truly appreciative for the positive for by refelcting on the positive we are bringing more positive into our lives. By ignoring the negative we are then eliminating it from our lives.
In love and light
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