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Saturday, 12 February 2011

Day 12 Month 2

I have gathered together all my writing and I can't believe some of the crap I've written. I can see exactly how I was feeling and the efforts I've made to stay off medication for depression using positive thinking. I guess - while absolute nonsense sometimes, this in itself is a good thing because I know exactly how I felt and can capitalise on it for my writing. I have been given the next week off work due to my chest and think I'll use this time alone (at least while the kids are at school) to concentrate on writing something really special. On days when  I feel this blog is particularly good I'm also going to post it in the comments Hay House, this is a publishing company that publishes self help books.
Louise Hay the founder of this company cured herself from cancer, and overcame abuse over most of her life. I love reading her books and if nothing else get yourself "You can heal your life". I think it was this book and "The power of positive thinking" that got me interested in and opened my eyes to the need there is for people who want to be better, to go to someone else or see something through someone elses eyes.

Just my thought for today.

In love and light

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