Following on from yesterday, I must tell you that quieting your mind should go along with accepting change. I know that I prefer everything to be done in a specific order and to a specific standard all the time. I am also very routinised, however working with children I know that they tend to thrive in a routinised environment, this however does not prepare them for the real world where as much as you try to predict what's happening and what's going to happen next, there is usually something that "throws a spanner in the works" or causes the proverbial "shit to hit the fan".
So how do we accept change? For some it's a process similar to mourning. You go through the denial, then you go through the anger and finally you get to acceptance. Having first hand knowledge of the grieving process I can tell you that this is usually a very selfish time, trying to come to terms with change is a selfish thing. Why? Well very simply because it is happening to you, and your EGO is very bruised. Here in the UK currently the government is trying to cut the deficit, there are thousands of people at risk and very unexpectedly the economy did not grow in December. These are now circumstances that those at risk as individuals cannot control.
Many of these people who properly prepare themselves will be able to move on quickly, while others may not, but when all is said and done and the grieving process is over, most if not all will be able to find something good that has come out of the change.
This is why I try to shift goal posts, and I try to stay out of a comfort zone, I have a quick temper and yet I have chosen to work in an environment where my language both verbal and non-verbal are to be kept in strict check all the time, this keeps me on my toes and more able to change. So my challenge for you today is to CHANGE something, don't quit your job (unless you have another one) but you know walk into a different supermarket, put your watch on the wrong arm, do something small to remind you how hard change can be and prepare yourself for change because one day it will happen to you and being ready to accept the change will make it so much easier to bear.
In love and light.
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