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Monday, 7 February 2011

Day 7 Month 2 - a broken heart

Well, I am back, but unfortunately it is with a broken heart. For all my excitement and bragging about climbing the rock wall, I have found out today that it was far less than 20 metres high. In fact it was only about 8 metres high, I feel kind of deflated believe me it definately looked as high as 20 metres when I was hanging onto the knot for dear life at the top.

Is it right to judge oneself so harshly? I am still amazed at my accomplishment but feel it would be worth more had the wall been higher. I suppose this means that I am going to have to do it again. It's a  bit like riding a roller coaster, the second time is worse because you anticipate the drops and sharp turns rather than letting them take you by surprise.

So the question today is why do some of us take things so badly while others are able to simply shrug their shoulders, smile and move on? I'm guessing it's got something to do with that damn ego. It's important for my ego that I be seen in a good light, saving face and apologising for the exaggeration.

Here goes.... I Tracey Brown do sincerely apologise for the misrepresentation of my accomplishment. Shit I still don't feel any better, but would feel infinately worse had one of you (who read my blog) actually commented on the fact that a 20 metre tall indoor rock climbing wall isn't likely to be found on school grounds.

In love and light.

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