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Tuesday, 22 February 2011

Day 22 Month 2 - Is there no doubt?

Last night I invited my best friend for dinner with her family, it's convenient because her middle son is K's best friend, actually this family has become like my family since all my family is in SA. We got to talking about religion as we all very active within our church.
When asked what I believe in, I had to admit some of what I believe is not what is taught in the mainstream, and may offend a few people. However we discussed things like faith, intuition, angels etc.
I have a great affinity with angels and use their guidance regularly, I do this using angel cards. These are used more as a prompt for me to give you assistance. The reason for this is obvious, I do not have enough faith in myself, and it was this message that I got from my friends, they too struggle with what is considered correct in religion. I brought out my cards and had I transfer his energy into the cards, touching them shuffling them etc, then I said that I believe we are all intuitive and have learned to ignore or discount those "gut" feelings. I got him to put out three cards. The cards could not have been more accurate had I deliberately set it up. The angels proved once again that they are with us and around us simply waiting for us to ask them for help.
It was a great evening and it was lovely to learn a little more about how someone else believes.
Again just another thing re-inforcing the direction of my writing.

In love and light.

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