Good Evening All
I had a marvelous day at school today, the school played host to a various array of disabled people, the Enable Me programme is designed to encourage awareness of the abilities of disabled people.
This morning we were met by two sports coaches (both in wheelchairs) a man with a lovely sense of humour who'd suffered a major stroke at age 29 and by far the most inspiring of the lot was a beautiful French woman who is 27 years of age. At university 7 years ago she contracted Meningitis TB. She was in a Coma for around 5 months and when she awoke she had lost ALL her hearing and ALL her sight. In addition to NO HEARING AND NO SIGHT, she could not move her body and was told she would be paralyzed from the neck down. She walked in today guided by a lady and walking with a crutch (friend #1). She explained that she is now partially sighted and can hear with a hearing aid (friend #2). She showed the children various "friends", basically little gadgets that vibrate and beep so she can feel or hear the door bell, the telephone, the oven etc. I asked how long she has been completely blind and completely deaf before her hearing and sight started returning. She picked up her Bible and told us that when the Doctor checks her eyes, her nerves are irreparably damaged. she should not be seeing anything. She attributes her ability to see in shadows and colour (albeit dim) to her faith. Her sight is getting better, on pure faith.
I was blown away by this young woman who returned to university to complete her course, and her ability to have faith after such an illness makes me think again of how we should be grateful EVERY DAY who knows when something like this could happen and then it leads me to wonder would I be as gracious, as inspiring and as forgiving had this happened to me?
Do me one favour tonight, look in the mirror and be grateful for 2 eyes that work, 2 ears that work and a body that responds to every little command without any effort.
In lots of love and lots of light.
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Monday, 13 June 2011
Day 13 Month 6 Let's astound ourselves
If we did all the things we are capable of, we would literally astound ourselves. Thomas Edison
Isn't this quote amazing? It feeds back into the thinking that we can do, be and have everything we want. It's important to remember that we do have everything we need and be grateful for it, but everything we want can be a little different.
We need to first of all know that we are deserving of everything we want, because if we cannot convince ourselves that we deserve all the good things in life we will have doubts and those doubts (brought on by the ego) will prevent us from imagining and creating our perfect world.
So three major laws to follow when creating your perfect life.
1. Be grateful for what you have
2. Let the ego go, know that you are deserving of it all
3. Believe that it is all yours to have.
In love and light
Isn't this quote amazing? It feeds back into the thinking that we can do, be and have everything we want. It's important to remember that we do have everything we need and be grateful for it, but everything we want can be a little different.
We need to first of all know that we are deserving of everything we want, because if we cannot convince ourselves that we deserve all the good things in life we will have doubts and those doubts (brought on by the ego) will prevent us from imagining and creating our perfect world.
So three major laws to follow when creating your perfect life.
1. Be grateful for what you have
2. Let the ego go, know that you are deserving of it all
3. Believe that it is all yours to have.
In love and light
Sunday, 12 June 2011
Day 12 Month 6 - I believe in Angels
All I have seen teaches me to trust the Creator for all I have not seen. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
Those of you who know me will know 3 things.
1. I believe in Angels
2. I am amazed that Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote (quite a while ago) beliefs that are not confined to mainstream religion and yet touch many of the beliefs that I have.
3. You know my beliefs on the Creator.
So with those three things in mind let me tell you what this quote means to means that if we can see and appreciate the world around us, then imagine what is laying beneath this magnificent surface.
A lot of new age writing touches on the unseen, imagining or visualising your life as you want it to be. I have tried to quite my mind enough to visualise my perfect life into reality, you all know how that turned out. But this evenings quote is actually saying to me, WOW just look at what we DO have around us right now, rain bringing life back into dehydrated trees, grass and flowers. Family who love us, and whom we love. Friends, who care and help because they want to without any repayment. The ability to help those friends because we can and because we want to without any repayment. A roof over our heads, jobs to go to. Things to see, places to go. So let us just reflect a moment on what the Creator (yourself) has brought into your life and vow today to change the negative, and be truly appreciative for the positive for by refelcting on the positive we are bringing more positive into our lives. By ignoring the negative we are then eliminating it from our lives.
In love and light
Those of you who know me will know 3 things.
1. I believe in Angels
2. I am amazed that Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote (quite a while ago) beliefs that are not confined to mainstream religion and yet touch many of the beliefs that I have.
3. You know my beliefs on the Creator.
So with those three things in mind let me tell you what this quote means to means that if we can see and appreciate the world around us, then imagine what is laying beneath this magnificent surface.
A lot of new age writing touches on the unseen, imagining or visualising your life as you want it to be. I have tried to quite my mind enough to visualise my perfect life into reality, you all know how that turned out. But this evenings quote is actually saying to me, WOW just look at what we DO have around us right now, rain bringing life back into dehydrated trees, grass and flowers. Family who love us, and whom we love. Friends, who care and help because they want to without any repayment. The ability to help those friends because we can and because we want to without any repayment. A roof over our heads, jobs to go to. Things to see, places to go. So let us just reflect a moment on what the Creator (yourself) has brought into your life and vow today to change the negative, and be truly appreciative for the positive for by refelcting on the positive we are bringing more positive into our lives. By ignoring the negative we are then eliminating it from our lives.
In love and light
feeling good,
law of attraction,
Ralph Waldo Emerson,
The Secret
Thursday, 9 June 2011
Day 9 Month 6 - Faith, Hope and Love
Hope is the dream of the waking man.
French Proverb
I came across this quote today and it reminded me of something, I have often written about the words in Corinthians 13, sorry my Bible is downstairs and I don't feel like going to find it, that say something like the 3 most important things are faith, hope and love, the greatest of these is love.
I say NO the greatest of these is not love, yes love is important but I personally do not believe that it is the greatest of the three. In my opinion, the greatest of these is HOPE. Man can live without faith (and many do), man can live without love and many do), man cannot live without HOPE, hope of faith at some point, hope of love at least once in a lifetime, hope for the perfect job. Hope gives you something to hold onto. Hope makes life worth living. People who suffer from depression have lost hope, many people who take their own lives have in my opinion lost HOPE. When dealing with the tragedy of losing our baby, I had love, I had faith and it was the loss of hope which caused the greatest feeling of nothingness that encompassed my life. It was the hope of seeing our baby grow, it was the hope of celebrating his first Christmas, it was the hope of seeing him graduate from university. It was the hope of seeing him married with children and it was this loss of hope that caused me to want to die.
Hope is the greatest of all and I wish that you all have faith (in something), feel love (for someone) but most importantly I wish you HOPE, because hope keeps everything else in balance.
In love and light
French Proverb
I came across this quote today and it reminded me of something, I have often written about the words in Corinthians 13, sorry my Bible is downstairs and I don't feel like going to find it, that say something like the 3 most important things are faith, hope and love, the greatest of these is love.
I say NO the greatest of these is not love, yes love is important but I personally do not believe that it is the greatest of the three. In my opinion, the greatest of these is HOPE. Man can live without faith (and many do), man can live without love and many do), man cannot live without HOPE, hope of faith at some point, hope of love at least once in a lifetime, hope for the perfect job. Hope gives you something to hold onto. Hope makes life worth living. People who suffer from depression have lost hope, many people who take their own lives have in my opinion lost HOPE. When dealing with the tragedy of losing our baby, I had love, I had faith and it was the loss of hope which caused the greatest feeling of nothingness that encompassed my life. It was the hope of seeing our baby grow, it was the hope of celebrating his first Christmas, it was the hope of seeing him graduate from university. It was the hope of seeing him married with children and it was this loss of hope that caused me to want to die.
Hope is the greatest of all and I wish that you all have faith (in something), feel love (for someone) but most importantly I wish you HOPE, because hope keeps everything else in balance.
In love and light
Wednesday, 8 June 2011
Day8 Month6 - Returning to the original reason for this blog
Good Evening
I have decided to return to the original reason for starting this blog, I believe that we need to be motivated everyday and from experience I know that a little bit of motivation goes along way. It's just easy I suppose to fall into a rut and write just for the sake of getting something out there. Today I return to the roots of this blog. So here goes...
"Believe with all of your heart that you will do what you were made to do.
Orison Swett Marden."
Looking through some quotes today, I found this one particularly moving. Moving because it reminded me of my Auntie Be, a fantastically wonderful women who is always remembered with much love. Auntie Be always used to say that "what is for you will never pass you by". Reflecting on the recent events of my working life, I suppose it gives me some hope that there must be something better waiting for me. Looking at the situation from a positive angle rather than a negative one means that I now have the opportunity to look for something better. I have applied for a couple of jobs and the hours are all part-time but hopefully because I now have a school years worth of experience I can earn a bit more. I am also in the position to be choosy about the next job I take. Rob takes good care of us so all the major bills are paid by him, and I have been offered my job back at the old folks home, so it's not like I won't be earning anything and it's not like we'll have to apply for benefits or loose our house, these are things mind you that other families are suffering with. It is also always important to be grateful for the things we have in life, a very BIG thing I had forgotten until I just typed these words. The bible somewhere says "be grateful everyday" and A Course in Miracles tells us that "God has given us everything we need".
When all is said and done I guess my ego has been bruised by being made redundant, and how ironic that I am the first person to dismiss the ego. I am NOT a victim, I used to be a victim but learning to be grateful for what I have and drawing strength in the knowledge that it could be worse and there are always others worse off than myself. Aristotle said "we are what we repeatedly do" he also said that "excellence is a habit", well so then is strength, being truly grateful, and knowing that it's really not personal, gives me the strength then to take this opportunity and use it to MY best advantage.
In love and light
I have decided to return to the original reason for starting this blog, I believe that we need to be motivated everyday and from experience I know that a little bit of motivation goes along way. It's just easy I suppose to fall into a rut and write just for the sake of getting something out there. Today I return to the roots of this blog. So here goes...
"Believe with all of your heart that you will do what you were made to do.
Orison Swett Marden."
Looking through some quotes today, I found this one particularly moving. Moving because it reminded me of my Auntie Be, a fantastically wonderful women who is always remembered with much love. Auntie Be always used to say that "what is for you will never pass you by". Reflecting on the recent events of my working life, I suppose it gives me some hope that there must be something better waiting for me. Looking at the situation from a positive angle rather than a negative one means that I now have the opportunity to look for something better. I have applied for a couple of jobs and the hours are all part-time but hopefully because I now have a school years worth of experience I can earn a bit more. I am also in the position to be choosy about the next job I take. Rob takes good care of us so all the major bills are paid by him, and I have been offered my job back at the old folks home, so it's not like I won't be earning anything and it's not like we'll have to apply for benefits or loose our house, these are things mind you that other families are suffering with. It is also always important to be grateful for the things we have in life, a very BIG thing I had forgotten until I just typed these words. The bible somewhere says "be grateful everyday" and A Course in Miracles tells us that "God has given us everything we need".
When all is said and done I guess my ego has been bruised by being made redundant, and how ironic that I am the first person to dismiss the ego. I am NOT a victim, I used to be a victim but learning to be grateful for what I have and drawing strength in the knowledge that it could be worse and there are always others worse off than myself. Aristotle said "we are what we repeatedly do" he also said that "excellence is a habit", well so then is strength, being truly grateful, and knowing that it's really not personal, gives me the strength then to take this opportunity and use it to MY best advantage.
In love and light
A Course in Miracles,
the Bible,
Friday, 3 June 2011
Day3 Month6 - A new beginning
Wow, it has been a while since I've felt inspired enough to write, but here are my thoughts for today. As you all probably know after 9 years of searching for somthing to be fulfilling to me on the job front I have been made redundant from a job I actually do love. It's not a shock I was on an annual contract and with everyone needing to make cuts I knew it would be last in first out, because regardless of performance, redundancy packages cost money, I simply walk out the door. So I have been job hunting obviously for something similar in the hope of replicating the joy I feel currently. It's a hell of a lot harder than you'd think! So the applications are done and theyll be posted off today along with the well worded cover letter. Then comes the waiting, the waiting is the hardest part because I have no control over how long I have to wait, so that says something about my need to always be in control of a situation and now you see why being made redundant is so hard for me to bear and while everyone says it's not personal. How can anyone NOT take it personally when you are doing a good job and it's still not enough to keep you in emplyment? They've said that if something else opens up I can keep my job, yes it's good to know that I was doing a good enough job that they would want me back, and I've been offered my old job back at the nursing which was to a certain extent fulfilling but while you can assist an elderly person with dimentia today, you need to do it again tomorrow, and again the next day, while assisting a child today means that they have that input for the rest of their lives and hopefully somehow someway you have enriched that childs life. And so I'm going to raise a toast today to new beginnings because whether I like it or not I have to HAVE to have one. CHEERS!!
In love and light
In love and light
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