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Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Day 22 Month 2 - Thoughts and Prayers for Family and Friends

It is with great sorrow and relief that I write today. The Earthquakes in New Zealand have now eventually caused death and a number of people are waiting to be resuced from the rubble. Thank goodness my immediate family are in Aukland and on the other island. Unfortunately Rob's cousin Lara and her daughter are stuck in the thick of it. Lara managed to escape from her office and set to work helping to free a family from their second floor flat which was according to Lara is now a 1st floor flat. She is home today with her daughter and describes herself as scared.
Now this is a women who, like all great women, refuses to be a victim and takes control of her life. So for her to say that she is frightened certainly makes the magnitude of the event clear to me.
Even on the South Island the emotional distress is evident in FB status' and comments. So please join me in lighting a candle and praying that there will be fewer fatalies than expected and that in the very least all those missing will be found. If nothing else to bring those families some closure. Let us also pray for the country to have speedy recovery from the disaster. I will also be praying for all the people there and arriving to help rescue people from the rubble. I just simply believe that at times like these collective power of prayer brings resolution. So as I said prayer is now the MOST we can do and definately not the least we can do.

In light and love

1 comment:

Alf said...

Thanks Tracey, lovely words of hope appreciated by all of your and Rob's family in NZ.
Love A