Well it's been a rather eventful day, my children and I became British citizens today. I managed miraculously not to cry during the ceremony and thank goodness for Beryl's husband Howard who lead us all in the singing of the national anthem. So today is earmarked as an historic day in the lives of these 3 Browns.
Having said that I gave my sister in SA a call and her life is just getting better and better and she said to me that she knows why.
Growing up as Christians (not so much at home, but at school) we are taught that there is one true God and anything else is evil. My sister who introduced me to The Secret, just could not seem to get on top of things, money was short all the time, jobs were scarce and her relationship with her ex-husband had become difficult and abusive. In short her life was as bad as it could get. That was just a couple of months ago and yet to talk to her on the phone or chat via facebook is an inspiration in itself because of the turn-around her life has taken. She has money in the bank, a great job and food in the cupboards (occassionally my sister would come over to visit me and do what we liked to call affirmative shopping, ie raiding my cupboards for a meal), so this is for her a magical time.
Anyway tonight on the phone she told me why... She has reconciled the fact that Christian faith and Universal abundance is one and the same. When asking the universe to provide for her, she felt guilty as if she were betraying God. You cannot manifest your deepest dreams and desires when you are wracked with guilt. Now she knows that God and the universe are one, she is able to manifest the life she wants. She has also been attending a Spiritualist church rather than a Christian church and has found an outlet for her need to help others. She has sung and chaired an evening twice now, and I know that whatever she says and no matter how nervous she may be, her words are touching someone and helping someone.
The one thing I can say though is that she IS GREAT and when you are seen through the eyes of love, there can be no doubt of a higher power. I love you Sis!
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